Supreme Snowboarding

Hall of Fame 2   default routes

2 3 4-9
Alpine Easy
Canyon Run
Epreuve du Canyon
1.23.03  SESH 1.25.77  Michael 1.27.56  Matt
1.32.50  Oleg M
1.33.15  Kalle
1.33.14  Federico
1.36.79  JV
1.40.80  Vanish
1.41.15  Alex
Alpine Medium
Cliff Slalom
Slalom serré
1.29.82  SESH 1.31.20  Federico 1.31.25  Michael
1.31.29  Matt
1.35.90  Oleg M
1.37.49  Alex
1.37.72  JV
1.45.70  Sam
1.50.04  Dom
Alpine Hard
The Ice Cave
Caverne de glace
Die Eishöhle
1.22.24  Michael 1.22.74  SESH 1.23.62  Matt
1.24.11  Federico
1.27.22  JV
1.28.81  Oleg M
1.28.92  Dom
1.29.30  Alex
1.32.82  Sam
Forest Easy
Frozen Stream
Torrent gelé
Jäätynyt joki
Zugefrorener Fluss
1.06.36  SESH 1.09.21  Michael 1.09.54  Matt
1.13.32  Federico
1.13.81  Oleg M
1.15.33  Alex
1.17.33  JV
1.21.36  Sam
1.23.65  Dani
Forest Medium
1.29.36  SESH 1.30.74  Matt 1.30.87  Michael
1.33.70  Biebboek
1.34.39  Oleg M
1.34.88  Federico
1.35.88  Alex
1.36.14  JV
1.42.47  Sam
Forest Hard
Alpine River
Rivière alpine
1.17.04  SESH 1.21.19  Michael 1.21.74  Matt
1.24.00  Oleg M
1.24.60  Federico
1.24.74  JV
1.25.49  Biebboek
1.27.09  Alex
1.29.56  Sam
Village Easy
Village Hills
Coteaux du village
Kylä kukkuloilla
Hügel beim Dorf
1.20.40  SESH 1.24.32  Michael 1.28.43  Oleg M
1.28.92  JV
1.29.62  Federico
1.32.38  Matt
1.35.59  Alex
Village Medium
Street Dash
A travers les rues
Auf den Straßen
1.19.58  Federico
1.20.36  Michael 1.20.61  SESH
1.20.69  Matt
1.22.40  JV
1.23.31  Oleg M
1.24.17  Alex
1.26.84  Luis
1.27.31  Sam
Village Hard
Sur les toits
Lumiset katot
0.59.87  SESH 1.00.51  Michael 1.01.73  dudebub
1.02.37  Thomas J
1.03.19  Oleg M
1.03.85  Matt
1.04.90  Federico
1.04.93  JV
1.06.04  Alex


The table lists the top 9 on the default routes on 1 November 2023.

Only races with default characters and boards, without any manipulation in the settings, without cheats, without fall/Esc/Return to track.

Additional rules for the Hall of Fame 2:
- pass the Start banner, both Checkpoint banners and the Finish banner
- jumping over fences and walls is not allowed, jumping over rocks (natural barriers) is allowed
- Alpine Medium: pass under the "Cliff Slalom" banner; do not jump over here
- Alpine Hard: through the ice cave
- Forest Easy/Medium/Hard: go through the railroad tunnel
- Forest Medium: do not pass here
- Village Easy: pass either here, or here

You can watch every race as demo race in the Demo version, with Demo Add-on and Demo Tracks installed.

The times in the Hall of Fame are the DirectX times. The ranking in the Hall of Fame depends on the total time, read here.  : ranking based on total time.

Send your best races for this Hall of Fame packed (rar, 7z or zip archive) with the high times data (in the game folder \Saved_Data) via email. Please do not use an online file archiver.

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